Wildfires & Evacuations
Missoula County uses a two-stage evacuation procedure:
Evacuation Warning
Evacuation Order
To Receive Evacuation Notifications in Missoula County:
Sign Up For Smart 911 Today!
Receive phone/text/email notifications if an evacuation may be necessary in your area.
If evacuated, stay up to date on current information
Provide information to responders to enhance your family's safety.
Evacuation Steps
*Please note that every effort will be made to issue an evacuation warning first; however, due to rapidly changing conditions, an evacuation order may be issued with no prior warning.
*Note this system is not just for wildfires, but for any type of evacuation (i.e floods)
How to Prepare For Evacuations
Act early and be ready to leave at a moments notice.
Sign up for Smart 911.
If you have not done so yet, sign up today!
This is an important service that enhances your family and emergency preparedness.
Provided to all residents at no cost and is primary method for evacuation notices.
Stay Informed.
Listen to local TV/radio/social media outlets for current weather, emergency alerts, and other pertinent information.
Follow MCFPA and Missoula County 9-1-1 on Twitter and like the Facebook page for information about prescribed fire, thinning, and other forest resiliency practices.
Close and Protect Your Home's Openings.
This is critical to prevent embers from entering inside your home.
Close attic vents and doors, basement doors, windows, garage doors, pet doors.
Bring inside outdoor furniture cushions, charcoal, propane and other flammable items around your home.
Shut Off Any Natural Gas, Propane, and/or Fuel Supplies at the Source.
Emergency Supply Kit.
Place your/your families Go Bag in your vehicle.
Be prepared to leave at a moment's notice.
Think about what you may need for up to 72 hours.
Ensure your vehicle is in good working condition and is ready to leave.
Face the front of the vehicle in the direction you will be exiting.
Know Your Evacuation Routes.
Plan and practice your evacuation routes.
Make sure everyone in the family knows the route(s) out.
In areas where there is only one way out: plan ahead and leave earlier than you think to avoid traffic congestion and provide room for emergency vehicles
Identify a Shelter.
If/when you are ordered to evacuate, identify where to go.
Make accommodations to do so now.
Make a plan for livestock and pets.
Call 2-1-1 for shelter information.
Program 258-INFO (4630)
Emergency Access
The ability and efficiency for you to evacuate your home and community and for emergency responders to identify your residence and safely access your property are critical.
Have reflective and non-reflective addressing during the day and at night.